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Please support the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank as we participate in the Extraordinary Give, the county’s largest day of online giving, on November 22, 2019. This 24-hour online fundraiser event gives community members the opportunity to change lives and help central Pennsylvania thrive. YOU can do something extraordinary – help put food on the table for nearly 50,000 people struggling with hunger in Lancaster County.

A donation of just $1 helps us provide six meals to our neighbors in need. Neighbors including children, seniors, veterans and families who are struggling with food insecurity. Your support helps children in summer programs like the Lancaster Lions (pictured) have access to healthy nutritious food. It will also help kids have access to their favorite fruits (check out the video above).

Kids can’t be kids without access to healthy meals. We appreciate your support of our mission of fighting hunger, improving lives and strengthening communities

Join us in the fight to end hunger. Donations are accepted online from midnight – 11:59 p.m. at ExtraGive.org.

We have 24 hours to make a lasting difference. Show your support for the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank today and help children, seniors, families, and veterans facing hunger right here in our community.

And after you’ve made a donation, share the good news of your contribution with your friends on social media with the new share feature.

CLICK HERE on November 22 to make a difference.




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